Light ROM 4
Light ROM 4 - Disc 1.iso
000082_owner-lightwave-l _Thu Oct 6 19:11:56 1994.msg
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Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 16:59:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carl Johnson <cjohnson@crl.com>
Subject: Lightwave Wish List
To: Lightwave <lightwave-l@netcom.com>
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I used to use Imagine and there are a few features which I sorely miss ow
that I am a Lightwave convert. The first is the ability to use objects as
light sources. If I have a flourescent light it is a TUBE not a point
that radiates light. The ability to use this OBJECT as a light source
would allow me to get scenes with more realistic lighting effect. Realism
is the keyword here.
Also, I recently saw a program called KPT Bryce. There were requesters
there for fog, specularity and diffuse that actually gave a small graphic
window that showed the effect of changing those settings. It would be
cool if Lightwave provided that kind of feedback to the user.
Thirdly, color representations of the image maps wold be nice. When
loading in similar image maps its easy to forget which one you're using
especially if you can only see them in back and white (dog-vision).
I know Lightwave 4.0 is on the way, but maybe lightwave 4.1 (or 4.0.1!)
can incorporate these changes.